Friday, 22 May 2015

Module Evaluation

This year had bit of a bumpy start, with all the freedom in the world; it was difficult to really know where I should begin with my briefs. This was tough to balance alongside the dissertation early in the year. However, this improved dramatically once I had handed that in alongside my practical. I felt like I was able to properly focus on my briefs without having to be taken away from them to write my critical writing on top of the workshop briefs too. I felt I was really a lot more productive throughout the entire of the second semester, I don’t know if this was a combination of not longer having to write constantly and as well having a confidence boost from being on placement which really gave me a big motivation to do more because I realised how productive I can be within a week.

I’m really proud of the work I created however, with the extra freedom I was able to explore ideas I wouldn’t have previously had the time for. I’m happy to say I’ve made some of my favourite work in the past three months and I couldn’t be happier with it. 

What this year did allow me to do was to develop skills in particular areas I normally wouldn’t have had the chance in, or had thought to explore. For example, making silicone moulds and bread stamps. I wish I had done things similar to this earlier in the year because I would have liked to expand on this given the chances however I don’t have the time any longer.  The same could be said for briefs that didn’t make it off the cutting room floor, such as the brand guidelines that I wanted to create for both Anona and Slab. However I was never able to fit them in or justify creating them when it would take away time spent elsewhere.

I really left my self down throughout the year by not keeping up on blogging which bit me back, however this didn’t really matter in the end since I was able to focus on my work and leave time for my self at the end to finish everything off to a standard I’m happy with, there could be improvements but I’m more focused on creating work I’m happy with. This is something I defiantly achieved.

Collaborations this year became a much bigger part of my practice, I’ve found the pressure of having to put out work for someone else other than me, really makes me push my self to go the extra mile because I’m not just letting my self down but someone else. The briefs where I’ve worked collaboratively are probably the briefs where I’ve pushed my self the most and I think this shows.

As well, I’ve had a lot of success this year in getting placements at two excellent studios in Leeds: Analogue and Thompson Brand Partners. As well as that, winning and been part of a few live briefs such as having illustration work I’ve created put into a program guide for the Leeds Indie Food Festival.

This year really did make me feel like a real graphic designer, I’m a lot more confident in my work and I want to share it with whoever I can, I’ve produce some of my best work and currently I’m excited to create something for the end of year show.

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