Thursday, 21 May 2015

BRIEF 6 - DSM - Evaluation

Adam Garbutt

Brief 6 – Something More (Flo)

This brief set by Design something more called Ministry of Wonderful, set the task of designing something to be better, in tone of voice, identity, interaction. I received water supplier to design for.

This was one of my favourite briefs in the year; I really enjoy spicing up the mundane. This isn’t something I really realised until last year while doing the scrap yard brief that was set, also a day brief. However here, we were given a week to come up with an outcome, this really helped me to pull the best I could out of the brief and have it as a portfolio piece I can be proud of.

Briefs like this: week long ones, I find my self been able to develop my skills a lot faster in comparison to other conventional briefs. Mostly because I’m trying new things and I’m put outside of my comfort zone so I find my self-having to adapt and learning new things. I prefer to be like this I’ve found; I don’t like getting to comfortable in what I’m doing. I need to be constantly put on the edge and forced into the unknown. I’m glad DSM allowed for the opportunity for us to do this brief because It was a nice way to end before the Christmas break.

I do wish I pushed the brief even further but I simply didn’t have the time and I think that’s what’s most tragic about this brief. I wasn’t able to do enough and It’s probably something like this I will expand on outside of university. It did widen my eyes, I had not done branding like this before, considering all the elements and I think it’s the area now That I want to possibly work in, in the future.

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