Monday, 23 March 2015

Profile: 23rd March Progress

I've struggled with trying to get the joker to fit in with the rest of the series. I don't know if it's just me being hung up on making him look like the previous characters or if he should be like he is and stand out from the rest. The problem I have with the joker is getting his chin and nose to work with the grid of the other characters.


Unlike batman who is more geometrically shaped fits a lot better with the rest and rightly so when the major features of him are his horns, chin, eyes and nose which are all very angular. However, the joker is more curvy in his features. Although the Futurama character have very circular features, it's the in-between which is hard.

I feel like this brief has being stunted, characters from the Simpsons fit into it, however this is something that will be expanded upon when I have more free time to focus on something more personal such as this.

This will come with developments to create a grid that will apply to more than just geometric characters so not limit my self. However, I have other briefs to get on with for the time been which are more important and productive.

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