I worked on creating the website along side the identity to try and create a consistent look and nail two birds with one stone. I took inspiration from the welsh water supply website for the layout of the icons along the bottom, however I edited them so to use links which I think would be most appropriate to finding what you want.
The concept behind the trident came from trying to have a symbol to represent Flo other than just the typeface. I didn't think It was enough, simply.
This started to look way to much like an Oil company at this point, I realised it probably undid the friendly look I was going for so I decided to cull it. Flo standing by it's own was just enough. I hadn't really done anything this minimal but It was the way it needed to be because it worked perfectly without any other additions.
I wanted Flo to interact with it's customers outside of just been that water supply company. I wanted it to have a sense of humour to at-least give give it some character which is what I identified the other companies as lacking.
The tone of voice was important in getting the attitude I wanted with Flo. I illustrated what a typical water flow would be like, clouds to the users tap/ or waste water outflow. To demonstrate straight away what the company was all about, as well as set the tone straight off. Go with the Flo references the customer service, the ethos of the company as well as the way it works. Smoothly.
I wanted Flo to be a company that doesn't just operate in one area, it's a name that could be applied to more than just one area. If the UK privatised water, Flo would be easy to apply to many areas with different slogans to give each region personality.
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