Friday, 24 April 2015

Failed – Ice lolly Experiment.

This Failed. Ashley spilt it. - Next time I'm going to blend all of the oranges at once just incase so I can just make another one quickly. Admittedly I should have made more moulds, but the initial did cost me £12 so maybe next time.

However, I was trying to create an ice lolly that would be translucent and show the stick through when shown up to the light. I was hoping this would happen due to it just been orange juice without the bits. But I never got the that point.

BRIEF 1: Anona Bakery Website Development 2

I thought I'd look into websites that interest me instead of ones that don't all too much. Although I like the layout of the nordic bakery it's not very applicable to the Anona bakery. 

I looked into bakery websites as well fashion to try and get an idea of what would be website that the audience would possibly also visit, ones within the same price range, or something along them lines. – I really like how a lot of these use very big imagery, it captures your imagination more than anything else i've seen on a website. Not just of the products, but of the surrounding culture.

I really like the below website, It has a lot of charm and personality, it displays the old in a very elegant way which I haven't seen before with many historical websites. It celebrates the imagery. 


I started a fresh with my website, to banish any old concepts that where holding me back. I wanted to be big and bold, however I didn't want to be too in your face.

These layouts I wasn't really too fond off, they didn't really do much for me, maybe because they're lacking imagery but I didn't know which way to develop them or what their purpose would be. I personally wanted a website which would have all it's functions in one place instead of across multiple pages, or having one main hub which shows me everything.

I tried to adapt the historic website's layout to fit anona to see what inspiration would behold me, I really liked the idea of making something very sleek, in contrast to the visuals such as rustic bread. I love that contrast and I think it'd really be very powerful once I have my final imagery.

I'll come back to the website once I have photography of the products, I'm happy with it for now but I'll see how I feel about it in a month.

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Yearbook - 23rd April Layout ideas

Yearbook - Meeting with Jason

Our currently concept for the book was to make something similar to Craig Oldham's lecture book, however we weren't sure before on what the limitations would if and if a book like that is possible with Jason's print company.

However, It turns out we can, but we would have to match our spot colour to the colour of the binding tape. I think for technical reasons, It would be better to avoid this problem to allow me and Sam to get on with the work and figure out a different resolution/format. 

Also, I don't believe Jason can properly print onto the front cover how we would best want it. - So this is another limitation we will have to overcome.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Laser cut session

I hadn't used the laser cutting in a long time so it was nice to meet my pal again, my initial test didn't really work out all that successful after spending forever setting it up and marking it out.

I asked one of the technicians to help me out and he suggested laser cutting it onto a bigger piece of word first, this worked perfectly. The engraving was surprisingly really deep which will be absolutely perfect for when I come to make the mould.

Slab - Wood positive format design

These are my notes for designing the wood, 

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Waterstones finds – Photography Inspiration.

I went with Grace to look through the books in Waterstones books for inspiration for the photography. To our surprise, there was a Hotel Chocolat book which is great for chocolate recipes that no body would ever make. What is good however, is the photography in the book, the establishing shot of the spoons really sells the chocolate as being luxurious and delicate. The contrast of the marble and the chocolate is what makes the image so strong.

The images in the book, which aren't focused on the products are what really sell the idea of Hotel Chocolat, flowing chocolate and crumbly bits. None of it showing one product, but they're all making you think of what the product might taste and feel like. It's this what I would love to achieve with Slab.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Wood for Moulds

I used the proportion we choose earlier to make dimensions for the chocolate bar and the mini-slabs. The mini-slabs are the same size as the Ice lolly but they're 1/3 the depth. The Chocolate bar is twice the size of the ice lolly with the same depth. Slab not only refers to the size but also to the portion you get. It wouldn't be the same to be called Slab if all the products where small, the name demands something of size.

Friday, 17 April 2015

HSC_MAP: Printed!

I'd just seen on HSC instagram that they've printed the program guide, I'm really excited to pick one of these up, I really enjoyed designing the resolution for this and I hope other people enjoy it just as much as me. It's really neat seeing your work part of a bigger picture, it puts a lot of things into perspective for me. 

BRIEF: Further Slab Discussion (18th April)

Just to make sure we're both on the same track, me and grace split our responsibilities for the following two weeks ahead.

This coming week I plan to:

- Get the wood cut for the chocolate bar as well as the selection chocolates.
- Claim a screen from textiles to use for printing of the foils.
- Get a laser cut slot for the engraving of the chocolate bar wood positive.
- Design the dimensions for the following items.
- Aquire coconut oil to start experimenting with chocolate.
- Test chocolate lollies as a alternative to the fruit lollies incase they don't work.
- Get ingredients for experimenting.

Because there isn't to much left to design for Slab, I don't see it taking to long to polish off. Keeping it simple is really helping out. I found these really nice bag designs on the Hotel Chocolat website which could prove really useful for when we come to make ours.

Grace is going to be in charge of designing the packaging for the chocolate bar because that's where her interests lie and she's got some great concepts for in, including having the inside of it foiled to reduce waste.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Profile - Logo

I was imagining the series as a exhibition, I though if that was to happen it'd need a logo, I used the outlines of the faces to make a quick logotype to label the faces. I think I'd like to possibility expand this and make a proper typeface out of it. It's got very well proportioned on the curves.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Yearbook - 9th April Initial development

This is first time me and Sam worked together on creating a example. We had ideas but it wasn't till now we'd created something. We both created our initial ideas for how the cover would look, However I didn't really think they where all the good. But It was a starting point and it showed how we wanted to expand from here. We got feedback on these covers before we showed Cheryl and the Team and the most positive feedback was towards Sam's cover which is the one immediately below.                                                                                                       

The below was mine, I personally didn't think the idea of having the word all together got the concept of precipice across fully. I would have rather it have being split or to make it more obvious. Although I do like how Sam's cover lets you discover that on your own as a interactive device. 

We tried different sizes of dust covers to see how that would affect the format, I think we both agreed a cover covering the entire edge looked best, aesthetically.